
In my studio practice I chew on the ideas of the Beauty, faith, and the Sublime. I want to explore both their form and their implications, along with the artists who've been part of that conversation (Turner, Newman, Noguchi, Heizer, et al.) Much of my time is spend considering how to bringing a viewer into awareness of himself as viewer and of his scale as human. My practice is hunt for a remnant of objective beauty through conversations between art history and traditional craft, the phenomena of materiality and physical/chemical complexity, the experience of bigness and smallness, and the mystery of creative alchemy.

In addition to my studio practice, I also serve full-time as the Director of Junior High Ministry West Shore Free Church in Mechanicsburg, PA, and am in progress towards a Masters of Divinity in Christian Ministry at Southern Baptist Theological Seminary.

Preaching and ministry videos can be found on Youtube

Preaching and ministry videos can be found on Youtube

Photos and process videos available on Instagram

Photos and process videos available on Instagram