Curriculum Vitae
Southern Baptist Theological Seminary
Master’s of Divinity in Christian Ministry, in progress
Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art, May 2018 (GPA 3.82)
Honors Thesis- Nonverbal Interactions: A Consideration of the Sublime
Awards: Magna Cum Laude, Dean’s List, Amigo Multicultural Reconciliation Scholar, Vollmer Scholarship in the Arts, Art League Co-president
Gordon College in Orvieto, Umbria, Italy
Fall 2016. Cultural immersion and intensive art studios instructed by internationally working artists.
Distinguished Professor Emeritus (sculpture)
Theodore Prescott
Messiah University
One, College Ave,
Mechanicsburg, PA 17027
Associate Professor of Painting and Drawing
Daniel Finch
Messiah University
One, College Ave,
Mechanicsburg, PA 17027
Professional Experience
Ceramics Instructor, Carlisle Arts Learning Center, Carlisle, PA, 2019
Teach all aspects of wheel thrown ceramic studio processes ranging from fundamental to advanced techniques.
Director of Junior High Ministry, West Shore Free Church, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2019-present
Direct a ministry of 70+ 7-8th grade students, teach live and on video, plan and execute curriculum, oversee interns and volunteers, and oversee the collective student ministry of 200+ 7-12th grade students.
Artist-in-Residence, Harrisburg Area Community College, Harrisburg PA, 2018 – 2019
Work in-studio to create a new body of work and engage in casual student instruction and critique, testing, mixing, and maintaining all shop glazes, loading and firing electric, gas, and wood kilns.
Lead Art Handler, contracted to The Galleries at Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2018 – 2019
Responsible for the oversight of the assistants on the field, and reports directly to the Gallery Director. Works either within the Messiah College Gallery or in the field both individually and as a team, providing services including packing/unpacking, installing, condition reporting, crating, and moving/handling of fine art and high value property. Contractor working for Messiah College.
Studio Assistant, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2016 – 2018
Studio Assistant for Ted Prescott, Sculptor and Distinguished Professor Emeritus of Art at Messiah College, Assisted with the construction and finishing of personal work and commissions as well as general studio and property upkeep. Work in wood, steel, salt, plastics, etc.
Owner and lead photographer, Quay San Images, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2012 - Present
Overseeing and conducting wedding, portrait, business, and stock photography, as well as all aspects of business management and client correspondence
Co-President, Messiah College Art League, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2017 – 2018
Organizing and planning student engagement events, outings, and annual art sales
Studio Assistant, Lemoyne, PA, 2017
Studio assistant for Daniel Finch, Professor of Art at Messiah College. Assisted painting and installation of The Lemoyne Passage, 5150 SQ. FT. public mural
Studio Assistant, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2017
Studio Assistant for Cathy Prescott. Retired Professor of Art at Messiah College. Original work building and editing the artist’s website using Squarespace
Messiah College Multicultural Programs, Mechanicsburg, PA, 2016 – 2017
First-year Mentor. Supported three first-year students in the Multicultural Program and lead cohort groups of nine students in discussions surrounding race and reconciliation
Installation Assistant, Susquehanna Art Museum, Harrisburg, PA, 2015
Assisted installation of Lady Commonwealth, 1100 SQ. FT. mural by painter Daniel Finch at the Susquehanna Art Museum
Orchid Specialist, Fishing Creek Orchids, Harrisburg, PA, 2012 – Present
Repot and care for exotic orchids, greenhouse maintenance, inventory, light construction, customer service, sales, etc.
Selected Exhibitions
‘Hidden Structures’ Solo Exhibition, 2019, GallerYORK, Harrisburg Area Community College, York, PA
‘Art of the State’ Juried Exhibition, 2019, State Museum of Pennsylvania, Harrisburg, PA
‘Sip’ Juried Exhibition, 2019, Savannah Clay Community, Savannah, GA,
‘Exempla’ Juried Exhibition, 2018, Barrington Center for the Arts, Gordon College, Wenham, MA
'Nonverbal Interactions: A Consideration of the Sublime' Solo Exhibition, 2018, Square Halo Gallery, Lancaster, PA
‘Dimensions’ 5-artist invitation, 2018, Art Association of Harrisburg, Harrisburg, PA
'BeginEnding' senior exhibition, 2018 M. Louise Aughinbaugh Gallery, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
Group Show 2017, Climenhega Fine Arts Center, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
‘Art of the Drink’ Juried Exhibition 2017, Butler Art Center, Butler, PA
‘Ceramic Vessels’ Duo Exhibition 2017, Murray Library, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
‘Mostra Collettiva’ 2016, Gordon College, Orvieto, Italy
‘Patrick’s Well’ 2016, Civic Stair, Orvieto, Italy
‘Annual Juried Student Exhibition’(5x 2014-18), M. Louise Aughinbaugh Gallery, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
Collections and Commissions
Gordon College in Orvieto, Orvieto, Italy
Kathy T. Hettinga Collection, Murray Library, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
Messiah College Digital Archive, Grantham, PA
Private collections, US and Italy
2018 Commission, Gift for Lee and Sharon Jordan, Benefactors of Messiah College, Two Ceramic Pieces, Messiah College Office of Development, Mechanicsburg, PA
2017 Commission, Donor’s Gift, Set of Two Ceramic Pieces, Messiah College Office of Development, Mechanicsburg, PA
Best Senior Work, Annual Juried Student Exhibition, 2018, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
President’s Key award, Annual Juried Student Exhibition, 2017, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
Honorable Mention, Annual Juried Student Exhibition, 2017, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
Best in Show, Annual Juried Student Exhibition, 2016, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
Best Freshmen Work, Annual Juried Student Exhibition, 2015, Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA
Daniel Vollmer Scholarship in the Arts, 2014-2018 Messiah College, Mechanicsburg, PA